Matt Duggan

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Matt was born in Bristol, 1971, and lives in Newport, Wales, His poems have appeared in several poetry journals, including -
Stand Magazine
Poetry Wales
The Poetry Review
Poetry Salzburg Review
Obsessed with Pipework
" Duggan's poems are small assassinations of neoliberal ideology and its global impact. They take down inequality, war, and intellectual corruption through both historical knowledge and personal histories that elucidate the experience of alienation that capitalism brings. Yes, you come away angry, but also well informed and well armed in your own fight to be human " Peter Raynard: Poet
His poems have also been included in Ambit, The Potomac Review, Poetry Bus, The Journal, Matt previously won the Erbacce Prize for Poetry in 2015 with his first full length collection of poems and was the Winner of the Into the Void Poetry Prize in 2017. Where Matt was invited to perform his winning poem, in Boston in the U.S. of the same year.
He has had three pamphlets published A Season in Another World (Thirty-West Publishing House) The Kingdom (Maytree Press) and One Million Tiny Cuts (Clare Songbirds Publishing House), his second full collection Woodworm (Hedgehog Poetry Press) came out in (2019).
He organised and hosted regular poetry and spoken word evenings from (2014 – 2019) that included 'An Evening of Spoken Indulgence' at Hydra Bookshop, followed by Page & Performance at his local pub.
In 2017 Matt was offered to join Erbacce-Press Team where he reads for the annual competition and interviews poets for their journal, he has performed across the world including readings at A Casa dos Poetas in Portugal, in Paxos, Greece, Poetry on the Lakes Festival in Orta, Italy, and a reading tour of the east-coast of U.S.A. including New York, Boston, and Philadelphia.
in 2023/24 Matt was short listed in Dreich Chapbook Competition, The Broken Spine Poetry & Prose Competition, and The Bread & Roses Poetry Award Competition.
Matt is working on new poems for a new chapbook 'Eschatology and his next full collection.

"....he pulls back the illisory curtain and lets his readers see the sharp and original shadows, creating passionate and energetic poems" Peter Thabit Jones: Poet & Editor

Dystopia 38-10 (winner of the erbacce prize 2015)
(Hedgehog Press)
The Kingdom
(Maytree Press)
One Million Tiny Cuts
(Clare Song Birds Publishing House)
A Season in Another World (Out of Print)
(Thirty-West Publishing House)